“… several years of [Fred Ward’s] extensive activities have been overlooked, particularly the period from 1847 till early 1855. Given Carol Baxter’s obviously extensive research … I find it difficult to realise that she has mistaken or overlooked his period of employment on Daandine Station in about 1854/55, which it is understood, was the initiating cause of his criminal activity.”
I wrote back explaining that I had indeed come across secondary-source references stating that Fred Ward had worked for J.P Wilkie, the owner of Daandine; however my primary-source research had shown that it was Fred’s nephew John Garbutt who worked for Wilkie.
As I have seen other Thunderbolt articles and websites that mention Fred’s employment there, I thought I would use these claims for another piece of Thunderbolt analysis.
Go to Did Fred Ward’s life of crime begin in Queensland?